Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2238, snowpocalypse

The snow didn't stop for three weeks, someone joked we would need Noahs Ark but on skis, it was starting to feel that way, everything was paralyzed and stuck, luckily I still had power and water, the trucks couldnt get through to do deliveries, no one could open businesses, the few that could open had lines that snaked for blocks, and small children were bundled into mounds of clothing, sometimes I wondered if it was just clothing.
   I awoke around noon to the steady snow falling on the skylight above me, this was my reality, day in and day out, never saw the sunshine.  I rolled out of bed, my joints ached.  My ankles cracked on the cold wood floor as I entered the bathroom, looked in the mirror.  My beard was getting thick again and dark black, my eyes had bags under them, I looked grey and pale.  The nights and days had begun to blend to a degree where I didn't always know if I had slept through a couple days or not, some days I'd wake up at six A.M and be ready to go, and other days I couldnt get out of bed.  I was 38 but felt as though I could have been 68.
   I had been taking a synthetic form of speed called fineral, that would keep me awake for days.  This was the only high I could get, the alcohol had run out months ago, but somehow the guy whom we alll called "Shady Mcgrady" would always come by and drop off the fineral. 
   My other pleasure was communicating with my spirit guides, they would always tell me when I was getting off track and I would have to refocus and recenter myself they would tell me about future events, what was going to happen, I had faith as whatever they told me did happen when they said it. 
    the days blended into weeks into months, when I was awoken by my guide, he had said I was to wake u and walk out the front door, that it would be able to open,
 "What do you mean? its snowed in"
"Open the door and you will see, now is the time"
My heart was beating in my chest as I got up and opened the front door, it wasnt the grey snow I had expected but the most pleasant tangerine glow, it was warm and inviting and felt like where I should be.  My energy began to elevate, I hadn't realized how low it was, everything because luminous and I began laughing hysterically.  I entered the orange light, it was almost like walking into a venus fly trap with a petal down or a giant orange banana....

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