Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bop Prosidy

I haven't posted anything on here in a while, but for some reason tonight have the bug.  This may be just a ramble incoherent stream of thought, and if anyone actually stumbles upon this and reads it I apologize in advance, it may or may not make sense depending I suppose on what comes out now and my grammar and punctuation.  I am not going to attempt to make this flow in any real way and may come out as more diarrhea than a solid true good feeling shit.   Either way you feel better after, well I feel better not sure you will, no one likes to have diarrhea sprayed on them while the act of spraying may make me feel better it will most certainly make the person its sprayed upon feel worse.  Goes with the whole yin and yang, positive and negative gravity's rainbow thing of it all, the black and white binary number one cant exist without the other unless of course both exist at the same time like Schrodinger's cat, but then the act of viewing, which in this case would be diarrhea might change the whole controlled environment.

Anyway, where was I, what was the point of all that you might ask, well, the point is that is an excersise I learned in college in order to get back into writing, like earlier tonight I stretched to warm up my muscles because i hadn't done yoga in a while. Jack Keroac called this "Bop prosidy" meaning writing as a sort of Jazz, where it just flows without regard to what is coming out, he believed this is where the real heavy stuff came from.  I am of mixed opinion on this, for example I saw this movie room 237 this past weekend and it was about the patterns and themes in kubricks the shining, and at the end they said the theory of post modern literature is you make your own associations and opinions based on what you gather from the work, whether intended or not consciously intended by the author.  One could take that even further and stress on the question for your own personal conscious expansion you will find your own synchronicities and themes, not just in art but in all of LIFE and that is how you will actually achieve higher levels of consciousness and awareness.  This brings me to my point, i overheard on the bus today two people talking, pseudo intellectual types or maybe actual intellectuals who is to say what seperates what at times they blur into each other, however, they were talking about how one of them felt he was a base human, and he wanted to become a real human, so the other said what is the difference? the base human guy said the difference is base humans just deal in the world as animals, ego, greed, sex, power, and one would say just like a dog or monkey, so really animalistic.  The regular human is connected to himself in other ways, higher connection has gotten past ego.  I am a base human from that conversation perhaps but who knows, either way it me to thinking that thought is the enemy of evolving.

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