Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Valentines Day Ransom Letter

I hadn't been sleeping well, this girl was driving me crazy.  We would go out have a great time and then she wouldn't talk to me for two weeks, a slow, steady torture.  My confidence was shot.  I couldn't get her out of my mind.  Someone suggested to me, I write an old fashioned letter to her explaining my feelings, hand written, in this day and age of technology, things like that are romantic and different, also she could keep it and read it over and over, maybe send a rose with it as well.    Of course, I thought this was a brilliant idea, I'd pour my heart out to her, explaining how I felt, but the only problem was my handwriting looked like a five year olds, it was terrible, I considered writing it in block letters, but that didn't really seem the same, my cursive was illegible, so for some reason, I thought it would be quite clever to write it in ransom format with the letters cut out of magazines.  I figured she would find this clever as she was an artist and would appreciate the creativity.  Now mind you I hadn't been sleeping much and my mind wasn't all there, so I figured I would include a black rose and sign it in my blood.  I worked all night feverishly putting together this ransom note Valentines day letter.  It came out great in my mind, some of the lines in mishapen words included "I will never hurt you" which I found quite ironic being written in ransom type, and also "I don't want you to feel pressure" another great irony in my mind.
       Well, I sent her the letter, and the only reason I know she got it was because she blocked me on her twitter and her facebook. Oh well, live and learn, perhaps another girl would have found it romantic, perhaps Elvira, or Wednesday Adams.  Live and learn.

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