Monday, March 26, 2012

Exit Through The Gift Shop

Wow, what a great documentary. Having said that, hilarious, disturbing, brilliant, where to begin with this one? The story of street art which took a serious turn from straight up graffiti somewhere along the way to becoming the new hottest thing, but this story has a twist.

The John Belushi looking Thierry who is crazy, and was obsessed with filming street artists, having fooled many to believe he was a documentary filmmaker, when in reality he was just a French guy with a camera. Became obsessed with meeting the brilliant, elusive street artist Banksy and one day does. Banksy, who is everything Thierry is not, being humble, low key, a true artist, not looking for fame. Imagine that? Actually attempting to avoid the spotlight. Or is Banksy not what you would think and just brilliant at creating a mystique, like Batman who everyone wants to know his true identity, who doesn't want recognition and operates at night in the cover of darkness in order to create that scarcity many artists desire in order to sell for more money? that is up to you to decide. I feel that Banksy is the real deal, a true artist, not in it for the money and a true genius.

Banksy, who is the Michael Jordan of street artists encountered Theirry In L.A. and warmed up to him after he took a metaphorical bullet for him at Disneyland in a hilarious post 9/11 scare, encouraged Thierry to go back to L.A. and put on a show after he realized the horror that was his attempt at a documentary film. With Banksy's endorsement, Thierry became a million dollar art seller on his first show.

This film is as much a commentary on the creative movement of street art as it is the death of the movement. Innovators come along, do something new, than it becomes mainstream because some hack imitates the originators and sucks all the air out of the movement. Same old story...

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