Monday, March 26, 2012

The Hangover (film review)

Like "Sex and the city" last summer was a film for women who acted stupid and vulgar, who dredged up the most moronic and insipid aspects of American culture, this is it's spiritual twin, the movie of the summer, the comedy that will make 300 million dollars, that morons will be quoting over and over even though the lines were not clever or quotable. The film is one five minute joke stretched out for what seems to be an eternity. I saw this today and spent 20 bucks including food on this piece of garbage, two hours of my life gone forever, if only I was as lucky as the characters in the film and could have forgotten the entire thing, what happens when you see the hangover stays with the hangover, that would be great. I actually left the theater hoping I didn't see anyone I knew as I was walking out because I was so embarrassed to have sat through the entire film. All in all this movie was no where near as good as the book, boring as hell, lame, stupid, embarrassing. It will make 300 million dollars this summer.

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