Saturday, March 31, 2012

Jobs, career, what's admirable?

      It's funny what jobs society deems cool and which people look at with contempt, of course this varies on society, country and region, but universally some are seen as more admirable than others where ever you are in the world.  Actor, musician, writer, certain business people, artists, you get the picture.  Those jobs are seen as somehow better than janitor, garbageman, insurance salesman, but if you are going to die, and you can't take your job with you, what does it matter what you do for a living? Most people just need money to pay the bills or get by, so what does it matter what they do to make money.  Sure, you may say we admire those with talent, but that is something that should not be admired, it's like admiring someone for being tall, these are the gifts people are born with our without.   One should be admired for honesty, character, being humble, or better yet, no one should look down upon or admire anyone else.  The act of admiring others is basically an ego thing that comes down to putting yourself either above or below someone else, comparing, measuring.   Every person is on their own trip, it's your personal journey.  Do what you do to the best of your ability, don't worry about anyone else because you aren't perfect and neither am I. 

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