Monday, March 26, 2012

The Trayvon Martin Case

While horrific and terribly sad, the Trayvon Martin case has captured the nations attention unlike anything since the murder of Emmett Till.  While the cases are different, many parallels do exist.  Young African American male visiting someone in the deep south is murdered.  Much of suburban white America wants to believe that racial stereotypes and attitudes don't exist anymore, but anyone who lives in a large city, or the south can tell you they are alive and thriving.  I have heard the argument that "We have a black president now, racism has ended" this is of course ludicrous. The racial stereotypes are deep seeded and have been around for generations, passed down like religion or love for a certain sports team.   In conjunction with the occupy movement, anti-war movement and other social and world wide issues being brought to light, we will see a rise in spotlighting all inequality globally.  This is a product of the 24 hour news cycle, as well as internet and more people having access to more information.  Not since the 1960's with the mass distribution of the television spot lighting the student demonstrations and Democratic convention of 68' have we had such a burst of varying movements and causes.  Our global enlightenment and quest for peace will come directly out of these movements.  While awful and tragic the death of Trayvon Martin is not something new, but hopefully the good that can come out of this senseless tragedy is awareness, and acknowledgement that we still do have problems in this nation and hopefully in the not to distant future we can rise above these problems and evolve.

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